Service Year Option
One of Governor Moore’s top objectives launched recently—the Department of Service and Civic Innovation-- which operates the Service Year Option program. The Service Year Option is available to high school graduates ages 18-21 who have received their high school diploma, completion certificate, or earned their GED in Maryland. Members of the program will have the opportunity to serve across the state in organizations that will provide job training and focused professional development while earning at least $15 an hour. Additionally, the Maryland Corps is available to adults of all ages who are interested in performing public and community service in Maryland. Like the Service Year Option, members will work in organizations and receive access to resources, including personal money management training, while also earning at least $15 an hour. Upon completion of either nine-month program, members will earn $6,000 toward tuition costs or as a cash stipend. More information on the program and the application can be found here. Organizations that are interested in serving as program host partners are also encouraged to visit the link above to submit an interest form. Host partners include nonprofits, government agencies, or businesses that have a focus on community building, volunteering, and other efforts that make Maryland a better place to live and work.

Grants for Manufacturing
The recently announced Maryland Manufacturing 4.0 Grant Program provides money to small and mid-sized Maryland manufacturers to invest in Industry 4.0-related technologies (this includes technologies like cloud computing and analytics, AI, and machine learning), machinery and robotics, and digital business practices in order to remain competitive and drive growth. 20% of the funds will be reserved for small manufacturers with 3-50 employees. This grant program is incredibly important because it will help foster highly skilled technology jobs in Maryland which are going to be vital to the future of our economy. To learn more, please click on the button below.
As a legislator, I have previously done work to advance this goal as well. In 2014, I sponsored a bill that created the Regional Additive Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland (RAMP MD) which is headquartered in Harford County. This organization is dedicated to creating manufacturing opportunities, and it creates a bright future for our communities. RAMP MD is a consortium of private businesses, educational institutions, and governmental agencies (including representatives of the U.S. Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground), working together to provide businesses with access to additive manufacturing facilities, equipment, and expertise. They regularly hold symposiums and workshops to improve our local businesses and workers. Additionally, through partnerships with RAMP MD, local industry has access to equipment and capabilities that many businesses could not otherwise afford. As a result, these companies are now able to move a product from inspiration to production without large capital outlays. This grant program will work in unison to achieve the goals of RAMP MD and help lay the groundwork for more excellent jobs in Harford County for many years to come.

New Appointment
Senate President Bill Ferguson recently appointed me to serve on the State Advisory Council on Administrative Hearings. There are 10 members of this Council who all serve four-year terms. Seven are appointed by the Governor, while the Senate President and the House Speaker each choose a member from their respective legislative bodies to serve as well. The Attorney General is the last remaining member. My role in this position is to advise the Chief Administrative Law Judge and help identify issues of importance that should be addressed. Administrative law is the body of law that regulates the operation and procedures of government agencies. I am grateful for this appointment and look forward to contributing my knowledge toward the improvement of our state government. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact my office at 410-841-3158 or marydulany.james@senate.state.md.us Sincerely, Mary-Dulany James Senator, District 34, Maryland General Assembly